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May 18, 2007



Can I recommend a store?? My local stamp/scrap store ROCKS and carries lots of A Muse stamps! www.talkpaperscissors.com


OH I have been waiting on this. The Rubber Stamp Fantasy is MY stamp store. Debbie and Gary are FANTABULOUS. Gary always shows me all the new stuff when I get a chance to shop there. They are my A Muse fix shop. If you are ever in Marietta, take time to check out this store. IT IS THE BEST!!!!


I have been a cusomer of
Debbie and Gary since october 1998, 3 months in to my stamping advenure. I travel from New York just to shop there. We only have one stamp store in New York. The store is the best one I have ever been in. If you are in GA, you must stop by. You will not believe how much they have. I will be there in June and I can't wait.

Jennifer D

OMG!!! HOW did I NOT know about this store??? I live about 30 min from there, and I my chiropractor is on the square!!! I have NO CLUE how I didn't know about it! You better believe I'll be checking it out on my next chiro. visit!!

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