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May 04, 2007


Jennifer Pebbles

10 feet of A MUSE??!!! That ROCKS!!!


This is where I get almost all of my A Muse goodies!!! Just hate that I live 2.5 hours away, but Jenn keeps me visiting on a regular basis! Thanks for all the fun A*Muse*a*palooza activities!


Colorful Creations is my shopping choice for things stampy/scrappy. Their classes, staff, clubs, product ALL rock! When are you coming back to teach, Linda?


I agree - this store is FABULOUS! So many cool products to see (and buy, of course!) I was most impressed by their fabulous GINORMOUS classroom. If you find yourself on the Cape, you *must* stop by!



A store with 10 feet of Amuse. Oh heaven!

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