Hollywood Squares – A Muse Style! We’ve chosen one of our Crew to hold a secret prize. Who do you think has the prize? If you guess the correct A Muse Crew member, you move on to the next round of the game. For round two, we’ll mix things up, add a new prize, and you’ll get to guess again. We’ll keep going until we have one winner who will then receive all the prizes revealed in each round of the game!!
You must be registered at www.amuseapalooza.com to play. To enter, leave a comment on this post with your guess (one entry per person) before this round of the game ends at midnight Pacific time Monday June 4th. Then check back on Tuesday to see if you move on to round two!
While you’re here, grab your stamps and make a card for our “Seeing Scenes” design challenge below! Good Luck!